Call Us: 903-803-1440
Shafer Land & Timber LLC offers honest and reliable forestry services to the greater East Texas Area. From purchasing your timber, to harvesting and replanting, you can rest assured that the investment you have in your land is taken care of!
Timber Harvesting
Our highly trained foresters will appraise your timber. Once an agreement has been made, our logging crew will harvest the timber. We work hard with multiple lumber and pulpwood mills to merchandise your timber, ensuring you get the most value for your investment!
Management Plans
Shafer Land & Timber LLC can work with you to provide you with a Management Plan for your land. This plan will ensure that your land becomes a long term investment for you and your family.
Land Clearing / Clean up
After the harvest of your timber, Shafer Land & Timber LLC offers several different options for the future of your land. One of those options is site clearing. We have an array of heavy equipment to clear the roughest of landscapes.
Property Line / Tree Marking
Our foresters can locate and mark the property lines of your tract of land. This can be done with "flagging" or with purple paint.
We also offer "select thinnings"in which one of our highly trained foresters will mark all mature trees to be marketed.
Tree Planting
Shafer Land & Timber LLC always recommends that landowners replant forest areas that have been harvested. We offer machinery or hand planting along with herbicidal control of unwanted plant species.
Forestry Mulching
Forestry mulching is an extremely quick and effective way of clearing land. Please contact us for more information on this service.